Sunday, February 8, 2009

Remodeling the bathroom floors

The bathroom is a special space in a house with unique needs. Accommodations require to be made for fixtures and plumbing and one of the first concerns will be framing the floor. Adding the last Touches when Finishing. Your bathroom floor plan should detail locations of toilets, shower stalls and bathtubs; if these are taken into consideration when floor joists are laid out, you will not require to move joists or make cuts in them later on. You will need to center the first floor joist no more than a distance of 8 ¼ inches from the bathroom’s finished wall. This takes into consideration that when a toilet is located against a wall, it’s closet bend will be centered about 12 inches from that finish wall.

So if your joists in that are spaced at 6 inches center on center, there will be at least 3 inches clearance from the toilet drain center to the nearest joist and 6 inches of clearance of the closet bend. Remaining floor joists can then be laid out with usual pitching.

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