Thursday, July 23, 2009

Enjoy with healthy painting

Today, we can enjoy all the benefits of updating the interior paint of our houses without the need to endure the onslaught of toxic petrochemicals. No-VOC paints are each bit as colorful, durable and easy to use as their VOC-filled counterparts. Nearly every paint manufacturer makes its own line of no- and/or low-VOC paints from which to prefer. In almost each and every case, the line has any color imaginable and, if the right product is chosen, the paint can be applied in two coats or fewer.
Today, there are also wide selections of natural-based paints obtainable. These paints are made from a large variety of raw, natural ingredients such as milk, soybeans, citrus peels, corn, beeswax and clay. These paints naturally have few or no VOCs, but often require more experience to apply effectively.
For those who have great chemical sensitivities it may be necessary to test several different brands or types of no-VOC paints because each manufacturer uses different binders, solvents and additives to achieve a top quality no-VOC paint. Because of these variations, one may react more favorably with one brand or type verses another depending on the exact sensitivity. It is sensible for you to elicit the assistance of a trained professional who is very familiar with several different lines and types of paint and who has the skill and expertise to choose and apply the paints properly.

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