Monday, September 7, 2009

Bangalore artist create paintings with charcoal and thread in minutes

Anjula Prem Kumar of Bangalore is no common artist. She creates wonderful and eye-catching paintings from thread and charcoal on canvas and with her fingers on sprinkled sand, within minutes.
Give her music of her choice and a little string of thread and charcoal, and Anjula is ready with a painting in three to four minutes.
The thread and charcoal, she says, help her speed up her work and also maintain the viewer’s interest especially during painting demonstrations.
"I thought when you want to complete a picture, if you prolong it for a long time people lose interest when they are seeing it. So I thought I could use thread which is still faster, that is the only reason I started with the thread, and that gives me a really good finish and I enjoy doing it with thread," said Anjula.

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