Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Art history of Egyptian tomb painting

Figure shows the Egyptian sun god. His name is Ra (pronounced Rah). We know that this is a image of the Sun God because he has the head of a falcon and a sun disk above his head.
Teach your youngster a little art history and have fun while doing it. There are a number of components to this activity that can be integrated into a variety of curriculum including history and geography as well as art.
Here is a class to introduce your child to Egyptian tomb painting. Gather together some cardboard to make use of as a surface on which to draw and paint. A good foundation of cardboard is cereal boxes. Cut up one side and open the box level. Paint or colors on the inside surface. When you are completed you can display your painting as if it were the wall of an Egyptian tomb.
There are several symbols in an Egyptian tomb. A symbol is a image or an object that stands for something else. The Egyptians had a religion that we used to call the cult of Ra.

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